Monday, October 29, 2012

Not as much progress this week

Another week down, another pound down.  Actually, not even quite a pound.  Weighed in at 279.2, just .8 pounds less than last week.  Maybe this week will be better?  I didn't drink at all this weekend, like I had last weekend.  Not that it was excessive, but it adds up.  Is it time to start exercising already?  Maybe I'll wait until my appointment with Dr. Krohn's office next wee.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Losing some weight

I guess you could say that officially, I started my dieting on 5-October.  That was when I went to Vitamin Shoppe and picked up that big jar of Isopure.  I think the day before, I had also picked up a case of RTD Premium Protein from Sam's Club.  Not following a "named" diet such as Atkins or South Beach, my approach is simple: keep total calories under 1800, and carbs under 200.  So far, my average has been 1513 per day and I'm down around 10 pounds.

For the most part, it's not too hard.  There are times when I'm hungry and there's bad stuff to eat laying around the kitchen; cookies, etc., but so far I've been pretty good overall, except having had alcohol over the weekend.

A typical weekday is consisting of:
6:30 - protein shake
8:30 - hard boiled egg
11:00 - turkey & swiss sandwich
1:00 - hard boiled egg
5:00 - dinner.. varies.

I'm getting my 6-8 glasses of water in with the help of Mio flavoring.  I can't say I'm feeling any better at this point, but I do think my shirts are a little less tight around the stomach.

I'm scheduled for a consult with the stomach doctor on 10/30.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Friggin Insurance

This is a little late in the posting, but I figured I'd better document it.

I had read a post on a VSG forum that was about one particular person's surprise at the amount of their financial responsibility - their out-of-pocket, as it were - for the procedure.  The amount she indicated was in the $4k range, and it got me to thinking about what mine might be.  Knowing my policy has some sort of 80/20 thing going on, I figured mine might be as much as $6k or more.  So I called Cigna.  BTW: the poster on the forum also had Cigna.

The guy from Cigna told me that my policy does not cover any bariatric surgery.  He said it would cover any and all of the pre-op stuff, the dietitian, psych, etc., but not the surgery itself.

Wednesday, last week, I finally had my consult with Dr. Krahn's office.  Of course, before you even get the appointment for the consult, they have done their due diligence and vetted insurance.  I was/am assured that my insurance covers this option.  Better still, my out of pocket can't exceed $2,200 annually.  Since my surgery is likely to be in January, I'll be all in at that amount.